Thursday, March 24, 2011


This morning, Mr. Hubby's friend's mother called and told him that his mother and father were going to file a divorce.

34 years of marriage.

I am stopped again:
It is beyond my capacity to comprehend the meaning of marriage, meaning of having a relationship....


Sharing my thoughts with my most lovable girl friends

sorry i don't mean to depress you or anything, but i've been feeling down or in deep thoughs thinking about death (it is not suicidal, just to make sure).
my parents died long time ago.
hide-san died last week.
liz died yesterday.
my mother-in-law's dad died this morning.
lots of poeple died in japan...
we are all going to die just like any other living things on the earth, sooner or later, accident, sickness, or any other causes.
we are not an exception.
i feel like i don't know how to digest that.


Monday, March 14, 2011


When disasters occur in different coutnries all over the world, every other countries rush in to rescue, help, support, donate, and do everything they can do.

Why can they, can we, be that way all the time?  Even though there is no disaster that have damaged a country?
Be the same way to our fellow counries?

I appreciate the countries all over the world who have helped Japan after the horific earthquake and devastateing damages Japanese people had to experience.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Indeed, you can't judge your destination by condition and scenery of the roads you are on.

Inspired by J. Cainer